Friday, July 20, 2012

Sea Mountain and Volcano

Greetings from the big island of Hawaii. We spent a week at Sea Mountain near Volcano National Park. We trekked in a couple of times. The first to participate in a Hawaiian Cultural festival. There were booths and vendors to share their foods, how to on making leis, quilting, weaving, medicinal plants, and dancing among other things. Eric enjoyed learning some new things and talking with some people. Our second visit was with Wayne, Amy, Carl, Amy's Dad and Wyatt, Connor and Kylie. Our first stop was the Visitor's Center to see the exhibits and movie. We then headed down the Chain of Craters Road to see the lava flows with when they had was very windy and the kids thought they might blow away!

At the end of the road we saw 5 Nene Geese which are Hawaiian geese walking on the lava scouting for something to eat and not paying much attention to the people taking their pictures. After seeing an open arch in the lava and waves going in and out which was beautiful we headed for the lava tubes which we could now walk through and were just a little damp from rain seeping in.

Our next adventure was to find dinner which is easier said than done, but finally found something and then headed back to see the glow of lava under the steam vents in the Kilauea Crater from the jaggar Museum--a bit chilly out there, but a spectacular site. We are now off to Kona to see what adventures we can find here. Until next time.....

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