Thursday, August 23, 2012

White River to Whitehorse and beyond

Staying at the White River RV park was quite awareness building. University students studying geology in a summer internship program have been exploring different sites to find minerals that can be mined. They are staying at the campground and each day take a helicopter out into the Yukon wilderness. Eight hours later the helicopter picks them up and brings them back. They started with 59 students at the beginning of the summer and now they are down to 9. What a great experience when you are young.
We met the park owners son and were amazed that he will soon be going back to Vancouver to spend his senior year at a private boarding school. Basic education goes to the 6th grade in the Yukon. If students want to continue their education, they must go to a boarding school in Whitehorse. Many complete their schooling at the 6th grade level.
We continued traveling over the permafrost laden road and were treated to seeing a black wolf along side of the road. Herb and Leigh experienced a loud thud under the motorhome thinking it might be something serious! After stopping for a break, the mystery was solved. The UW license plate was no longer attached to the front of the motorhome. Needless to say, turning back over that piece of road was not going to happen.

We made it to Whitehorse in the afternoon and did chores such as Bill getting the motorhome oil changed and Herb washing that little white car again. Marilyn fixed another wonderful dinner and we are ready for our adventure tomorrow.

Leigh - Marilyn
Posted from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. 6th grade level of education.....sounds like all my trauma patients.....still looking for pictures of big fish....
